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Ferret Names–Males

Ferret Names–Males

Are you wondering what to name your furry little boy? Don’t settle for a common pet name such as Fuzzy, or a boy’s name like Charlie. Whether you base his name on his looks or his personality, this list is full of ideas. I have compiled a list of 20 Ferret Names for you to consider for your male ferret. Continue reading Ferret Names–Males

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Girl Ferret Names–20 Names for Female Ferrets

girl ferret namesGirl Ferret Names–20 Names for Female Ferrets

Your girl ferret is unique.  She has her own look and her own personality. She deserves a name that the suits her perfectly. I have comprised a list of Girl Ferret Names that are appropriate for these delightful creatures. I hope you will find one that is perfect for your furry friend. Continue reading Girl Ferret Names–20 Names for Female Ferrets

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Cute Ferret Names–Finding the Perfect Name for Your Ferret

Cute Ferret Names–Finding the Perfect Name for Your Ferret

Naming your ferret is easy. There are loads of common pet names that fit ferrets–fuzzy, furball, speedy… And just as many common girl and boy names–Fionna, Lilly, Felix, Teddy…

Finding the perfect name for your ferret can take a bit more thought. Here are a list of 25 cute ferret names that I have compiled. Most are appropriate for female and male ferrets. I hope you will find one that is perfect for your fuzzy friend! Continue reading Cute Ferret Names–Finding the Perfect Name for Your Ferret

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U.S. Senetor Criticizes Efforts to Save Black Footed Ferret News from Rapid City, South Dakota


U.S. Senator Criticizes Efforts to Save Black Footed Ferret

News from Rapid City, South Dakota

As with the domestic ferret, Black- Footed Ferrets face opposition from some government officials.

Efforts to save the Black-Footed Ferret are the subject of criticism according to an article in the Rapid City Journal on August 31, 2016

When speaking about the Endangered Species Act,  U.S. Senator, Mike Rounds, stated that the high protection of the black-footed ferret is an example of a costly project with little return.

He said of the efforts to save the black- footed Ferret: “Millions of dollars have been spent for a species with little incline in population.”

Noreen Walsh, Regional Director for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was questioned in regard to the efforts to save the black-footed ferret and she defended the protective listing of black-footed ferrets.  She said this endangered animal is “on the road to recovery but not there yet.”

Continue reading U.S. Senetor Criticizes Efforts to Save Black Footed Ferret News from Rapid City, South Dakota

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Marshall Premium Ferret Diet vs. Marshall Carnivore Plus-Review and Comparison

Marshall Premium Ferret Diet vs. Marshall Carnivore Plus

Review and Comparison

If you are looking for a convenient ferret food, kibble is the answer.

Marshall is the world’s largest ferret breeder. It is also the largest manufacturer of ferret food and ferret supplies. Marshall has 2 ferret diets I am reviewing and comparing–Marshall Premium Ferret Diet and Marshall Carnivore Plus.

Ferrets are carnivores. They need a meat-based protein diet for optimal health. Continue reading Marshall Premium Ferret Diet vs. Marshall Carnivore Plus-Review and Comparison

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Holiday with Pet Ferret—Should They Stay or Should They Go?

Holiday with Pet Ferret

Holiday with Pet Ferret?

It’s time to plan a vacation/ holiday! 

Does your vacation include your ferret? Some people wouldn’t dream of leaving their little furry kids at home, while others want the freedom to do whatever they choose without worrying about their pets.

You should take some things into consideration when deciding to take your ferret along or leave him in someone else’s care. Of course much depends on where you are going, how you are traveling and how long you will be gone.

Continue reading Holiday with Pet Ferret—Should They Stay or Should They Go?

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Are Ferrets Illegal in California?

Are Ferrets Illegal in California?Are Ferrets Illegal in California?

The United States Department of Agriculture classifies ferrets as domestic animals. Ferrets are legal as pets almost everywhere. But a few states (and countries) are slow to accept that ferrets are domestic animals.

Strangely enough, parrots are legal pets. Although some may argue that hand raised parrots are domesticated, not too long ago they were stolen from their tropical nests and smuggled into the the U.S and other places. This practice still goes on due to the profit to be made on the illegal parrot trade. At most, hand raised parrots are only a few generations removed from their wild relatives. Since they have not been kept as pets for long, they retain many of their wild characteristics. But parrots don’t face the discrimination ferrets face.

So why are these cute little ferrets the focus of so much controversy? Continue reading Are Ferrets Illegal in California?

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