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Flea Treatment For Ferrets—Safty First

ferret flea treatment

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are tiny, usually dark-colored, insects.  Fleas attach themselves to animal and human skin–including ferrets. They bite and feed on the animal’s blood.  

Each female flea may produce 50 or 60 eggs a day!  Flea eggs hatch in about 4 days. 

Larvae eat the droppings of mature fleas for about 2 weeks, then spin cocoons and become pupae. Inside the cocoons, the pupae turn into fleas that emerge in 3 or 4 weeks as a new generation.

While most ferrets are not overly sensitive to fleas, some may develop skin irritations, allergies and even anemia.  Fleas reproduce quite quickly, laying batches of eggs on the ferret or other animals. The fleas can then spread to the animal’s surroundings. It’s then important to consider safe flea treatments for ferrets.

Causes of Fleas in Ferrets

When the weather gets warm and humid, the fleas come out. Ferrets that go outside can pick up fleas from the environment. Ferrets can also get fleas from other pets or even people.

Flea eggs can remain dormant for up to two years, waiting for victims.  Not only lying in wait outside, but they can also hide in furniture, carpets, bedding, clothes… Continue reading Flea Treatment For Ferrets—Safty First